Multi User Email Client

18 Route 6A, Sandwich, MA 02563 USA

70 Bridle Close, Paignton, Devon, TQ4 7ST UK

I need to move the MailCOPA data to another location

See the answer to "Where is the data held, and what do all of the files do?" for the usual location of the data.

All data files are set up correctly during the installation of the MailCOPA email program: any changing of the location is entirely at your own risk.

The data path is set in the registry entry:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\InterVations\MailCOPA\Paths\Server (32 bit Windows)

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\InterVations\MailCOPA\Paths\Server (64 bit Windows)

Amending this will cause the MailCOPA email program to look in the new location on startup: you should of course make sure valid data is in the new location before starting MailCOPA.

Alternatively you can use the setpath.exe utility to change the data path the MailCOPA email program uses to locate it's data.

All of the data files must be in the specified location

Tip: For an easier way of editing the registry consider using InterVations RegCOPA Registry Editor.